Santa Rosa Kriya Yoga Meditation Group

Experience the life enhancing benefits of a regular meditation practice

Inner Peace

The quickest way to lose inner peace is to argue with the way things 
are. The quickest way to regain it is to accept what is.

~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian

We all know that lamenting over unfortunate situations only brings 
discomfort and wastes energy, but it is so easy for most of us to 
emotionally argue with reality when it seems unjust. When we have the 
insight to recognize that we are behaving like Don Quixote, jousting at 
windmills, there is a chance to perceive that there are two directions 
where we can focus our energy: inside or outside. When I let my 
happiness depend on external events like the results of an exam or task, I expose myself to the risk of future mental pain. When I devote more energy to my spiritual practice and inner life, I come closer to freedom from suffering. The goal of the inner life is Self and God realization in this lifetime. So my task is to live each day according the the precepts of Kriya Yoga and maintain spiritually guided consciousness in the midst of a busy daily life. Accepting what is does not mean becoming indifferent to conditions like injustice or war, but that our mental peace is not overly dependent on their fluctuations. One practical sign of my daily practice is that I do not expose myself to TV news or political talk shows. Reading the paper it is easier for me to stay up to date but maintain some perspective.  What tools to you use to keep from falling into arguing with the things are?