Santa Rosa Kriya Yoga Meditation Group

Experience the life enhancing benefits of a regular meditation practice

Let Go of Regret

The antidote for regret is to move our awareness into the present moment. Consider what you can do now that makes a difference.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian

It is so common to look back on our lives and have regrets for what we did or didn't do. We can waste a lot of time in that regret or we can look at those things we regret and see them as life lessons. We can look at those events that we regret and consider how we can move forward in our life and do it differently if a similar situation comes up. We also forgive ourselves, like a parent would forgive their child for making a mistake. See yourself as the shining light that you are.  Let go of the past and live now. Living in the highest and best way means to let go of those regrets and know that as we move forward in the journey of life, we do our best for ourselves and for others. As Yogacharya says, consider what you can do now to make a difference.