Santa Rosa Kriya Yoga Meditation Group

Experience the life enhancing benefits of a regular meditation practice

Affirmation: A New Way of Seeing

photo by Jacqueline Hayes

photo by Jacqueline Hayes

To bring forth abundance and experience the fullness of life, we start by accessing it within us. We change our thoughts. We change our internal conversation. We change our speech. And we change our viewpoint —our way of looking at the world and interpreting our experience. Affirmation gives us a new way of seeing.
~Yogacharya Ellen Grace O'Brian quoted from the Jewel of Abundance: Finding Prosperity Through the Ancient Wisdom of Yoga

When we combine meditation with the practice of affirmation we can change our experience from one of lack to one of abundance. Begin with gratitude after meditation each day. Voice out loud or silently all the things you are grateful for. Then choose an affirmation such as: 'As I make wise choices, all my needs are met on time and in abundance'. Then be receptive to the ways the universe supports you. As we work with the affirmation we will begin to experience new and positive opportunities.